Originally published March 2009
Dick Nite spoons for fall salmon is a “go to” lure in my boat and it should be in your as well.
We are just a few weeks away from Pink Salmon stuffing our river systems. Coho Salmon will start entering the river during the Pink Salmon run and continue through the fall and into the winter. Hopefully you are preparing your gear now. At the very least you should be thinking about what lures you should buy in preparation for your fishing.
There are many techniques and lures used for catching fall salmon. If you want consistency you need to seriously consider using Dick Nite spoons. Dick Nite Spoons are one of the most versatile lures on the market today.
There are numerous techniques to fish the Dick Nite spoons.
One of the best features of the Dick Nite spoons is it can be used for many different species of fish, so these lures will not sit idle in your tackle box the rest of the year. Dick Nite spoons are a “go to” lure in my boat. Whether I am fishing salmon, steelhead, or trout, I know I can put fish in the boat with Dick Nite lures.
Drift fishing the Dick Nite spoon is at the top of my preferred techniques for this spoon. I use the same ultra-light rods when drift fishing the Dick Nite as I do for drift fishing eggs. For drift fishing this is the best possible choice.
When you are drift fishing the Dick Nite you can setup your terminal tackle a few ways. This terminal tackle setup is the same as drift fishing with eggs or Beau Mac cheaters. First decide if you want your weight to be fixed on the mainline, or sliding up and down on the mainline.
If you want your weight to be fixed on the mainline; tie a #10 Beau Mac rolling drop swivel at the end of your mainline. Attach your weight to the snap and tie the leader onto the rolling drop swivel. Your Dick Nite will be tied to the end of the leader.

If you want your weight to slide up and down on the mainline; slide a #10 Beau Mac snap swivel onto the mainline. Place a 4mm plastic bead on the mainline, below the swivel (to protect your knot from the weight). Tie in a #10 Beau Mac barrel swivel at the end of the mainline and tie the leader onto the rolling drop swivel. Your Dick Nite will be tied to the end of the leader. Now put your weight onto the snap.
I prefer the sliding swivel on my mainline, because the sliding action of the snap swivel reduces line twists and if the weight catches on something, like a rock, net or branch, you won’t lose your fish.
It is very important to let the current speed and depth dictate how much weight you use. Weight used will range from 1/2 oz. – 2 oz. When using the lighter weights, go with pencil lead or slinkys.
When you increase the weight to ½ oz. or more, use cannonball weights. They will drift easier than pyramids. The most common mistake is using too much weight. You want just enough weight to tick the weight across the bottom as you fish.
Leaders should be matched to the mainline. For instance, if you are using 10lb mainline, use 8lb leaders. If you use 12lb mainline, use 10lb leaders. Your leader length will vary dependent on the visibility of the water. I use 3 – 6 foot leaders, depending on the water visibility and current speed.
You can also plunk the Dick Nite off the back of your boat or the bank. The terminal tackle setup will be the same as the setup discussed above. However, use a 5 – 7 foot leader for the lure. Instead of attaching your weight directly to the snap swivel, use a dropper. That is a length of fishing line, 2 – 4 feet long. Attach your weight to this dropper.
When I am plunking, I want the lure to stay in place so I use more weight, usually 2 – 3 ounces. You can use pyramid or cannonball weights, depending on whether you are bank fishing or in a boat. I use cannonball weights in the boat, to avoid having a weight with edges striking the boat or a person.
If you are plunking from a boat, your lure will not be as far away from the boat as you may think. I keep the mainline at a 45 degree angle from the surface of the water. This keeps the angle of separation from the lure and the dropper correct and in the strike zone.
You need to have some flow of the river to plunk.
If you are in a pocket of dead water, the lure will not have the wobbling action necessary to trigger a strike.
Regardless of whether you drift fish or plunk, the spoon should have a wobbling action as the current flows around the lure. If you are drift fishing areas with more current, reeling very slowly or not at all will be best. In areas where there is no current you may have to reel a little faster to achieve the action of the lure.
Colors and sizes abound with Dick Nite Spoons. Dick Nite lures are now available with UV coating! I use the #1 Dick Nite more than any other size. Another great thing about Dick Nite Spoons is you can find them practically anywhere that sells anything related to fishing.
Pick up some Dick Nite Spoons and stuff your cooler with some fresh salmon this year!